Best Product Innovation


Imperial Thermal Engineering
Etorch 3 zero emissions electric equipment for the roofing industry

Judges comments: 

We loved the passion of the father and son team. The product appeared to be innovative and have potential for future widespread use on construction sites of all sizes. We also liked the potential for other spin-off products using the same underlying technology. The positive feedback from tier 1 contractors is very encouraging and we hope this award leads to greater take-up. Good luck!

Best Use of Technology


Spillard, Flannery Plant Hire and Morgan Sindall Infrastructure
Human Detection System

Judges comments: 

We were really impressed with: - system approach to improving workforce safety; - feedback to planners on root cause of issues; - data rich analysis to aid education and awareness; - real time analytics to workforce and leadership to improve safety culture; -fully scalable solution; - innovative R&D roadmap.

Carbon Reduction Champion



Judges comments: 

Raison d’etre for the business was to reduce carbon emissions – in its their DNA from the start. Clear logical strategy and focus on product development with a 5 year plan. Research and data driven with a fully inclusive company ethos. Their patented automated load control is their USP that stands them apart. Highly respected in the industry after such a relatively short time. The scalability of their offer is immense with the potential carbon reduction opportunity in excess of 350,000 tonnes CO2 per year in this space.

Community Engagement Project of the Year


Morgan Sindall Construction
St Mark's Church of England School

Judges comments:

Credit for a project thoughtfully considered and coordinated - which acted as a catalyst to deliver targeted local training, skills and employment opportunities, as well as working with local schools, the local community and with established local charity groups. In depth understanding of the challenges which face the local community, and appreciation of the barriers to inclusion – and that it is often the little things that matter. The team had outstanding passion and will leave an enduring legacy for the community in future.

Company Innovation of the Year


Tilbury Douglas
Connect Configurator

Judges comments: 

In a diverse category, the judges were impressed by the quality of all submissions. This was very close indeed with several worthy contenders. But one entry stood out for its client orientated focus and innovative platform-design solution. The approach demonstrated the effectiveness of early concept design intervention setting the stage for net zero decision making and digital twin delivery. The judges felt that the solution outperformed traditional industry design review and compliance processes. The submission is praised for its response to new legislation, and its scalability potential across the company’s entire business. The potential impact for clients, wider industry, and the complexity of the attempted challenge led to its high evaluation.

Construction Consultancy of the Year



Judges comments: 

Passionate and engaging; leaders in workforce diversity and upskilling; at the forefront of developing sustainability and positively influencing the industry carbon agenda.

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Construction Leader of the Year


Tej Bahia

Judges comments:

The panel was impressed by Tej's approach to learning and self development and his evidenced commitment to workforce culture in inclusion and diversity. His drive for social value and his vision for digital approaches and the use of data. His approach to making the construction industry attractive to groups outside of the construction industry and the use of their transferrable skills. And finally his passion for the people element shone.

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Contractor of the Year (turnover over £500m)



Judges comments: 

The judges liked the dedication to innovation with 2.5% revenue re-invested into future training. Including great examples like 'Dave the robotic dog' superb approach to collaboration and real investment in developing relationships with clients, stakeholders and the supply chain.

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Contractor of the Year (turnover under £500m)



Judges comments: 

This firm is showing the way towards delivering a broader set of societal outcomes by adopting platform principles, taking an innovative approach, and owning risk.

Digital Construction Excellence


VolkerWessels UK
Powered by data, driven by people

Judges comments: 

Demonstrated that they are the epitome of digital construction excellence.  They have embraced and embedded digital throughout their business culture focussing on people whilst ensuring the appropriate governance was in place.  The judges were impressed by the top down and bottom up to adoption.

Diversity and Inclusion Excellence


Ministry of Justice
Diversity and Inclusion Excellence

Judges comments:

Great data to back up the wider policy push and contribution to society and reduction of re-offenders. A very brave and focused initiative demonstration real progression and success on a repeat learning basis from project to project. A practical solution to a wider societal dilemma. The quality of entries was incredibly high with many of the shortlisted entries demonstrating real commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion at the highest of levels. The judges were pleased to see EDI initiatives woven into business as usual with senior level support rather than a “bolt on” extra under the aegis of HR. We see this as evidence that the business case for equality and inclusion is being fully understood within the construction sector and we hope to see real change in years to come.

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Health, Safety and Wellbeing Excellence (Company)


GRS Group

Judges comments: 

"People are at the heart of everything we do”, Jon and Mel demonstrated this from the outset of their presentation underpinning the three pillars of their initiative, People, Passion and Pride.

Jon has been at the forefront of managing this programme of change, which has been a journey of discovery for GRS, with change being the only constant they recognised to date. The opening what they perceived to be “Pandoras box” has now become central to their initiative moving forward.

The positive actions of the initiative was single handed in saving of at least one life from suicide in the last 12 months. Along with enabling a number of people to come forward and open up with their own challenges and in some cases suicidal thoughts due to the issues they were experiencing.

The sense of Pride that is now evident throughout the DNA of GRS is something that they should be proud of, and their openness around the uncertainty of the continued journey they are on, is something that really stood out.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Excellence (Project)


National Grid Ventures
Mission Sellindge Health Hub

Judges comments: 

The project was a nationally significnt project demanding accelerated working and up to 800 operatives at peak, with free health checks accessible to all. Both presenters were significantly involved in developing and rolling out the project. Entry backed by data demonstrating improvement by Warwick University and McKinsey to show personal and socio-economic benefits. Legacy of the project means that they are now rolling out on future National Grid projects nationallly and internationally as well as sharing the results within the industry. Shift to prioritis wellbeing and health - a move in traditional SHE processes!

Low Carbon Project of the Year


The Entopia Building

Judges comments: 

The judges believe that in a highly competitive category, this project will reset the expectations of clients, designers and contractors to work together on whole life embodied carbon and circular economy, to achieve a fabric first approach within a critical sector for the UK construction industry to achieve its Net Zero Carbon ambition.

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MMC Project of the Year


University of York

Judges comments: 

With this Design Build Finance Operate project, Graham took a wholistic approach to harvesting the benefits of MMC across the whole project lifecycle, achieving exceptional outcomes for all stakeholders. The University of York student accommodation project showcased collaboration, including student occupier engagement at handover. This project demonstrates the potential of how innovative contract models, used with MMC, can create a sustainable legacy of exceptional value.

Project of the Year (over £50m)


Mace Group and Battersea Power Station Development Company

Battersea Power Station

Judges comments: 

The technical challenges of restoring an iconic landmark such as this led to this being recognised as a world class project as a world class project by the judges. The challenges of sensitively restoring a project of high heritage and architectural value where discovery was a daily occurrence, while regenerating an area under the watchful eye of the country is to be commended.

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Project of the Year (£20m - £50m)


Kier Construction
Shakespeare North

Judges comments: 

The judges were highly impressed by this project.  The quality of the architecture and execution of the build, and the incorporation of traditional construction techniques into the heart of the theatre stood out.  Creating significant levels of social value, the impact of the project on the local community in Prescot and wider North West will leave a legacy for decades to come.

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Project of the Year (under £20m)


Balfour Beatty
Stockingfield Bridge

Judges comments: 

This project demonstrated excellence across the whole construction process from the client, design, construction and handover, to realise the vision of a connected community. HSE was a priority with exemplar systems of delivery including engagement with local groups such as the wise women network and delivered excellence in social values. It adopted innovative measure from construction, community engagement, use of art to enhance design, reduce costs. It used MMC instructural engineering to deliver a lasting legacy for the construction industry. The project is more than just a bridge, its a generous and ambitious project which improves peoples lives.

Residential Construction Excellence


Zed Pods
Zero-operational carbon homes

Judges comments: 

The winners in 2021 of this award, the judges were impressed with how ZED Pods have developed their business, making a real difference to this fast growing sector. Their commitment to delivering affordable modular net zero housing on unbuildable sites for local councils is really impressive. They are setting the bar high for others to follow.

Rising Star


Design ID
Amy Dillon

Judges comments: 

This nominee demonstrated outstanding commitment and passion for improving the industry - from schools to sites. Their personal story to engage, educate and empower came across very powerfully alongside their sense of the utmost importance of quality and rigour in the delivery of projects around the world.

Specialist Contractor of the Year



Judges comments: 

Scored highly across the board and judging panel were particularly impressed with: -focus on R&D; - meeting a current and crucial need in the health & live science sector; - significant carbon and waste reduction; - proven results in time and cost saving

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Supply Chain Excellence


AR, The Enabling Partner

Judges comments: 

A really proactive example at supply chain excellence. As well as bringing innovative technical solutions, a fantastic example of a company taking the initiative to turnaround a project to deliver the outcomes needed in a very difficult situation. They led their client and their other supply chain collaboratively, as well as enabling greater integration into their future business.

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Training Excellence



Judges comments: 

Set the inspiring way forward for behaviours and was a people led programme. Blu3 recognised for their relative size with a case study which was transformative of people in several ways. The language used around people and culture was exemplary and very focused on a targeted area in the business to develop through an inclusive + innovative + brave approach. Emphasis on staff well being and mind fitness.