Our categories celebrate amazing projects, technical innovations and forward-thinking companies including the biggest contractors and businesses in the sector.

Entries are judged by our independent panel of 70+ major clients and industry figures, who ensure integrity and rigour in our awards process.

Final entry deadline: Friday 28 February 2025

Business excellence categories 

This award is for the contractor or individual working for a contractor who has been a champion for reducing carbon between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

You will need to demonstrate commitment to the low-carbon agenda and reducing carbon in all aspects of construction, provide evidence of the impact during this time on a project or across the organisation and explore the benefits it will bring now and in the future.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • The outcomes of low carbon initiatives and evidence of success
  • Innovation in carbon reduction techniques and practices
  • A company culture with commitments to improving carbon emissions
  • A stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This category seeks to recognise the organisations that commission projects and can prove their excellence as an exemplary client. It is open to any type or size of organisation provided that it is the overall client.

Judges will be particularly keen to see evidence of improved performance in 2025 or of stand-out projects worked on or completed during Jan 2024 – Jan 2025.

Please provide a copy of your organisation’s annual report and any documents which have been produced with your supply chain strategy in mind - whether public or internal.

Clients can be entered by a member of their supply chain or enter by themselves. If submitting a standalone entry, the entry must highlight supply chain and community benefits where possible.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Sustainability 
  • Fair payment 
  • Fostering supply chain collaboration
  • Health and safety 
  • Delivering projects on time and to budget 
  • Community engagement 
  • Vision, innovation and quality of build
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor
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This category is open to any type of construction consultancy, including quantity surveyors, cost consultants, engineering consultants and project managers. The award reflects the overall performance of a company between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

Judges will be looking for evidence of business success and development, and the quality of work the consultancy does for clients – that outperforms its peers.

Entrants should supply turnover and profit figures for the last two years of filed accounts and a copy of the most recent annual report if it exists.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Your contribution to exemplar projects
  • Action to reduce carbon footprint and increase sustainability
  • A good workforce culture, including training and development
  • Clear strategy and vision
  • Innovation
  • Relationship with supply chain
  • Commitment to diversity of workforce
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This category seeks to recognise the most outstanding main contractor with a UK turnover of over £500m, between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

Judges will be looking for evidence of contribution to brilliant projects, innovation, quality of work and a forward-looking approach to the industry.

Entrants should supply turnover and profit figures for the last two years of filed accounts and a copy of the most recent annual report if it exists.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Outstanding projects
  • Clear strategy and vision
  • Strong client and supply chain relationships
  • Innovation
  • Sustainability
  • Health, safety and wellbeing
  • Excellent workforce culture, including training and development
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This category seeks to recognise the most outstanding main contractor with a UK turnover of under £500m, between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

Judges will be looking for evidence of contribution to brilliant projects, innovation, quality of work and a forward-looking approach to the industry.

Entrants should supply turnover and profit figures for the last two years of filed accounts and a copy of the most recent annual report if it exists.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Outstanding projects
  • Clear strategy and vision
  • Strong client and supply chain relationships
  • Innovation
  • Sustainability
  • Health, safety and wellbeing
  • Excellent workforce culture, including training and development
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This award is to recognise outstanding performance in the use of and commitment to digital construction.

Entries are welcome from organisations and project teams who have used digital construction between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 to improve their projects, businesses relationships and overall performance.  The entry should have one main proposer but please also provide details of other relevant companies involved (as a minimum, the entry should contain details of the client and the principal contractor).

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Improved performance and efficiencies made as a result of digital construction
  • Project excellence / client satisfaction achieved though digital construction
  • Examples of digital construction driving supply chain integration  
  • Embedding digital techniques and knowledge in company culture
  • Innovation in design/software/collaboration
  • A stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This award is for contractors that can demonstrate outstanding performance in health and safety (H&S) between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025. 

The judges will be looking at your company’s wider commitment to health and safety and the work done to achieve exemplary standards. This award highlights overall business performance in health and safety, rather than one specific project or initiative, although examples of these should be included to support your entry.

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Judges will be looking for examples in the following areas of:

  • The outcomes of H&S and wellbeing initiatives and actions to tackle mental health
  • Commitment to staff training and exceeding client demands
  • Innovation in H&S and the H&S culture within your business
  • Projects that demonstrate the highest standards of H&S and wellbeing
  • Commitment to extending your H&S culture up and/or down your supply chain
  • A stand-out example that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This category seeks to recognise the most outstanding work by a contractor, developer or housebuilder in a regeneration project to enhance communities and provide exceptional buildings between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025. The entire project does not have to be completed but the phase of work that the entry centres on must be complete.

Judges will be looking for evidence of successful strategy, high-quality schemes and a commitment to local planning, innovation and sustainability.

The entry should have one main proposer but please also provide details of other relevant companies involved (as a minimum, the entry should contain details of the client, the principal contractor and a specialist contractor). Larger projects in particular will be expected to reflect the size of the team.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Clear strategy and vision 
  • Client satisfaction 
  • Project excellence 
  • Health and safety performance
  • Sustainability 
  • Completion on time and to budget 
  • Supply chain best practice 
  • Innovation
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

This category is open to any type of specialist contractor or specialist division of a main contractor.  The award reflects the overall performance of a company between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

Judges will be looking for evidence of business success and development, and the quality of work the specialist does for clients – that outperforms its peers.

Entrants should supply turnover and profit figures for the last two years of filed accounts and a copy of the most recent annual report if it exists.

Please note: This category will consider specialists as firms who seek a direct commercial relationship with a principal contractor or client organisation.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Your contribution to exemplar projects
  • Action to reduce carbon footprint and increase sustainability
  • A good workforce culture, including training and development
  • Clear strategy and vision
  • Innovation
  • Relationship with supply chain and clients
  • Commitment to diversity of workforce
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This award is to recognise outstanding performance by a supply chain, where all partners have worked together towards common goals and can demonstrate improved performance between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.  

This can be demonstrated on a specific project, or as part of a partnership, framework or joint venture, and should highlight how supply chain collaboration and integration has resulted in a better outcome for all parties.

The entry should have one main proposer but provide details of other relevant companies involved. As a minimum the entry should contain details of the client or clients, principal contractor and a specialist contractor.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Common goals and culture on health and safety, sustainability and training
  • Evidence that collaboration through the supply chain led to better outcomes
  • Fair payment terms and practices
  • Supply chain risk management
  • Early contractor involvement
  • Innovation
  • Outstanding projects
  • A stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

Innovation categories 

This category is open to any company that has created an innovative (non-technological) product to improve the construction process between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

Entries should focus on at least one example of specific innovation. This could be a new trailblazing product that exemplifies innovative design and function.

The innovation could be site or office based, and entrants should be clear whether the innovation lies in performance, cost, health & safety, reliability, or other factors, and provide supporting evidence.

Please note: technological and digital innovations should be entered into the Best Use of Technology category

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The judges will also score on how innovation is fostered and encouraged across the business, and will look for evidence of:

  • Company commitment to non-technological innovation
  • Outcomes of non-technological innovation
  • Application of R&D findings
  • Evidence of company/project improvement as result of non-technological innovation
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This category is open to any company that can show excellence in the way it has used technical, systems or process innovation within its own business between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 to improve its performance and service to clients.

Please note: Any innovative products that are sold to clients should be entered in the Best Product Innovation category and technologies should be entered into the Best Use of Technology category.

Entries could focus on a particular innovation (a new safety, employment, workforce education or HR Initiative) or how innovation is fostered and encouraged across the business.

The innovation could be site or office based, and entrants should be clear whether the innovation lies in performance, cost, health & safety, reliability or other factors and provide supporting evidence.

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The judges will also score on how innovation is fostered and encouraged across the business, and will look for evidence of:

  • Company commitment to innovation
  • Outcomes of innovation
  • Application of R&D findings
  • Evidence of company/project improvement as result of innovation
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This category highlights the best use of technology by any company involved in construction between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025. 

Entries should focus on how technology has been used by the company for its benefit, whether it is in streamlining business processes, improving the efficiency of construction, delivering a project more effectively, or anything in between.

Please note: non-technological innovations should be entered into the Best Product Innovation of the Year category instead

The technology could be used on site or in the office, and entrants should be clear whether the benefits of its use lie in performance, cost, health & safety, reliability, or other factors, and provide supporting evidence.

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The judges will look for evidence of:

  • Specific outcomes of the technology’s use
  • R&D into developing the business case for technology
  • Innovation in the use of technology
  • Improvement in business or project performance
  • Benefits of technology for clients and/or the supply chain
  • The potential for wider application in the industry
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

Project categories 

Open to all UK projects that achieved practical completion, or equivalent between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

This project award is for construction teams that deserve recognition for their outstanding community engagement and outreach programmes during the delivery of a project.

The entry should have one main proposer but please also provide details of other relevant companies involved (as a minimum, the entry should contain details of the client, the principal contractor/engineer and a specialist contractor).

This category is not for environmental or health and safety excellence. Projects that exemplify this should be entered into the Sustainable Project or Health, Safety and Wellbeing Excellence of the Year categories instead.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • A clear understanding of the community’s needs and how these were met
  • Socially responsible construction set as a core value
  • A project team that has actively sought and engaged with community concerns to arrive at a solution that best suits all parties
  • Community liaison at its most effective, enabling understanding of the industry and project goals
  • Help with local community projects (e.g. community centres or care homes)
  • Engagement of young people as well as the wider community with the construction industry via the project
  • A stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

Open to all UK projects that achieved practical completion, or equivalent, and demonstrated outstanding performance in health and safety, between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

This project award is for construction teams who have shown fantastic commitment to health and safety (H&S) on a particular project, achieving exemplary standards. This category celebrates the best of project-based H&S and wellbeing in UK construction, and the entries should reflect that.

Judges will look for evidence of innovation in H&S and wellbeing, specific project-based initiatives designed to embed a positive culture, the site-based communication of best practice, the results/ improvements this has led to on the project and how learnings can be transferred to future schemes.

Contractors can also enter the health, safety and wellbeing excellence company award.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Meeting or exceeding client demands on H&S and wellbeing
  • The outcomes of H&S initiatives taken
  • Commitment to staff training on the project
  • Innovation in H&S approach and an embedded culture of H&S on the project
  • Commitment to improving employee mental health and wellbeing
  • How you have extended your H&S commitment on future work
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This category is open to all UK projects that achieved practical completion, or equivalent, between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025, with tangible evidence that the project has achieved or exceeded its carbon goals and is an exemplar for low-carbon construction.

The project awards are for the team who worked together on the project - although each entry will have one main proposer, please provide details of other relevant companies involved (as a minimum, the entry should contain details of the client, the principal contractor and a specialist contractor). Larger projects in particular will be expected to reflect the size of the team.

This is a project category open to all construction companies.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Clear explanation of how the project reduced carbon or achieves low carbon targets
  • Innovation in approaches and technologies employed to reduce carbon
  • Commitment to wider environmental and sustainability throughout the project and supply chain
  • Client satisfaction
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

Open to all UK projects utilising Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) that achieved practical completion, or equivalent, between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

This project awards are for construction teams who deserve recognition for their high standard of work, adherence to budget and client satisfaction utilising alternative construction practices. This category celebrates the best of MMC in UK construction, and the entries should reflect that.

The entry should have one main proposer but please also provide details of other relevant companies involved (as a minimum, the entry should contain details of the client, the principal contractor and a specialist contractor). Larger projects in particular will be expected to reflect the size of the team.

Each application should be accompanied by three different photographs of the completed project and may be supported by up to three different photographs of the project under construction.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Client satisfaction
  • Project excellence
  • Health and safety performance
  • Sustainability
  • Completion on time and to budget
  • Supply chain best practice
  • Innovation
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

Open to all UK projects with a budget up to and including £20m that achieved practical completion, or equivalent, between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

The project awards are for construction teams who deserve recognition for their high standard of work, adherence to budget and client satisfaction in a healthy and safe working environment. This category celebrates the best of UK construction, and the entries should reflect that.

The entry should have one main proposer but please also provide details of other relevant companies involved (as a minimum, the entry should contain details of the client, the principal contractor and a specialist contractor). Larger projects in particular will be expected to reflect the size of the team.

Each application should be accompanied by three different photographs of the completed project and may be supported by up to three different photographs of the project under construction.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Client satisfaction
  • Project excellence
  • Health and safety performance
  • Sustainability
  • Completion on time and to budget
  • Supply chain best practice
  • Innovation
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

Open to all UK projects with a budget value over £20m and up to and including £50m that achieved practical completion, or equivalent, between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

The project awards are for construction teams who deserve recognition for their high standard of work, adherence to budget and client satisfaction in a healthy and safe working environment. This category celebrates the best of UK construction, and the entries should reflect that.

The entry should have one main proposer but please also provide details of other relevant companies involved (as a minimum, the entry should contain details of the client, the principal contractor and a specialist contractor). Larger projects in particular will be expected to reflect the size of the team.

Each application should be accompanied by three different photographs of the completed project and may be supported by up to three different photographs of the project under construction.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Client satisfaction
  • Project excellence
  • Health and safety performance
  • Sustainability
  • Completion on time / early and to budget
  • Supply chain best practice
  • Innovation
  • The judges will give additional consideration for any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award

Open to all UK projects with a budget value over £50m that achieved practical completion, or equivalent, between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

The project awards are for construction teams who deserve recognition for their high standard of work, adherence to budget and client satisfaction in a healthy and safe working environment. This category celebrates the best of UK construction, and the entries should reflect that.

The entry should have one main proposer but please also provide details of other relevant companies involved (as a minimum, the entry should contain details of the client, the principal contractor and a specialist contractor). Larger projects in particular will be expected to reflect the size of the team.

Each application should be accompanied by three different photographs of the completed project and may be supported by up to three different photographs of the project under construction.

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The judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Client satisfaction
  • Project excellence
  • Health and safety performance
  • Sustainability
  • Completion on time / early and to budget
  • Supply chain best practice
  • Innovation
  • Any other stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

Workforce excellence categories 

This is for rising stars who have been in the construction industry for 10 years or less but have shown innovative thinking, astute business acumen, made a significant contribution to a project, or otherwise demonstrated their ability to rise to the top. Entrants should be able to demonstrate how, specifically, they have made a difference to their projects or business.

They will be judged on all round ability - not only academic and work-related achievements - but also their enthusiasm for construction as an industry and their ambition.

Entries should be submitted by either the nominee or their employer and should include a commendation from a senior leader within their organisation.

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The judges will be looking for evidence between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 of:

  • Career achievements and what the individual did to make them happen
  • Academic or mentoring success
  • Leadership with illustrative examples
  • Initiatives conceived and/or driven by the rising star
  • An outline of the project currently being worked on, the technical challenges, along with how the nominee is contributing to solving these
  • Helping others, in career and/or social terms
  • Career satisfaction – what have been the best experiences and highlights to date
  • Ambitions, (career or for the industry) and the practical steps being taken to achieve these
  • A stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor

This award is to recognise industry-leading performance by a contractor between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 in making specific efforts to develop a diverse and inclusive culture that permeates the workforce.

The entry should demonstrate the business’s attempts to foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace for all employees, and describe how this is helping to attract and retain talent.  It could include internal company initiatives, customer-facing CSR programmes, or work to promote a wide range of construction careers to appeal to different people.

This can be illustrated at both head office and project delivery level, and might also be as part of a partnership, framework or joint venture.

The entry should have one main proposer but may also provide details of other relevant companies involved.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of at least three of the following:

  • Positive leadership that filters down to all levels and promoting positive role models within the business
  • Staff engagement, training and a company culture to foster change
  • Creating more open employment opportunities and avoiding exclusion through recruitment processes
  • The setting benchmarks for diversity and inclusion, and progress towards them
  • Efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in the wider industry
  • Outcomes from specific initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion
  • Any other stand-out performance to go the extra mile to support staff to ensure you achieve your aims

This category is open to any leader of a construction company, that can demonstrate excellence in leadership and who goes above and beyond for their business and the wider industry.

Judges will be looking for evidence of business success and driving change, as well as someone who goes above of beyond for their workforce.

Entrants can put themselves forward or be nominated for this award, however, nominations must be supported by the nominee who will go on to present at the final stage of judging if successfully shortlisted.

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Judges will be looking for:

  • Strong business performance
  • Action to reduce carbon footprint and increase sustainability
  • A good workforce culture and focus on diversity and inclusion
  • Clear strategy and vision
  • Driving innovation and change
  • Relationships with supply chain and clients
  • A commitment to charitable social impact in the UK

Please note: The leader nominated for this award must attend the final stage of judging if successfully shortlisted for this award.

This award is for contractors who can demonstrate a positive and progressive approach to training and developing staff between Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.

Entrants will be assessed on the outcomes of their training initiatives, as well as the innovation shown in developing new training methods and the time allocated to training. Judges will also be looking for strong leadership and commitment to training, as well as evidence of an embedded culture of training.

This award highlights overall business performance in training, rather than one specific project or initiative, although examples of these should be included to support your entry.

Please note: This award is not for associations or agencies.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Outcomes and benefits of training within your company
  • Innovation in training methods
  • Time allocated to training
  • Embedded training culture among staff and inspirational leadership
  • Excellence in health and safety
  • Any external accreditations
  • Long-term commitment to training and upskilling of staff, including work with the supply chain
  • A stand-out performance that particularly merits this award – the ‘wow’ factor
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